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Functional Medicine

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Dr. Amy Gramzow is a Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner and a Doctor of Chiropractic. The focus of a Functional Medicine Doctor is less on the condition and more on identifying and removing the underlying cause and the obstacles that block healing, and improving existing physiological systems.

Functional Medicine helps to assist the body in working as synergistically as possible, naturally, by getting back to the "basics" that are unique to each individual. Advanced FDM testing is used to help be as specific as possible to find the best route for each patient. Ultimately, if we lower the allostatic load by listening to the unique body, we will improve the metabolism, help balance the hormonal milieu, modulate immune function, reduce the oxidative stress & free radical activity in the body, etc., that can thereby improve the metabolism and allow the body to heal itself.

Unfortunately, once symptoms start presenting themselves the condition has more than likely been developing for years. The most common issue seems to be linked with autoimmune (AI) conditions. They are extremely common and are continually growing in number as the body finds new ways to attack itself in our ever-changing and increasingly toxic environments. Medication, while it may help reduce some of the symptomatolgy, doesn't heal the condition. And, given the complexity of our bodies, isn't necessarily the answer anyway.

It is important to stay vigilant in our wellness. If we don't learn how to heal our body effectively, we will more than likely end up with multiple AI conditions and potentially a lifetime of medication. These conditions will cause additional hardships and may, in fact, shorten our lives dramatically or make us miserable along the journey.

While diet is extremely important, and there are many out there (allergy elimination, low inflammation, detoxification, glycemic stabilization, dysbiosis, gluten free, etc.), it generally isn't enough if the body is too far along with a disease process. Hydration, adequate digestion, proper elimination, biotransformation, basic nutritional support, rest & relaxation, stress management, movement and exercise are also important, just to name a few.

It may seem easy to navigate your own healthcare by accessing public information on the internet. Unfortunately, with all of the misinformation out there it is easy to get distracted, misinterpret, become overwhelmed or even misled. Additionally, wellness care is more complex than it may seem. Dr. Gramzow has been in practice for 30 years. She has taken countless classes, numerous additional certifications, and has three decades of hands-on clinical experience.

Dr. Amy Gramzow has been working as a Functional Medicine Practitioner for 15 years. She prides herself on her abiltiy to listen her patients, navigate through previous testing, intuit, and then continue necessary testing to help guide them on their unique, restorative health journey. Dr. Gramzow has assisted her patients in healing countless conditions, including: digestive issues, acid reflux pathogen overload, skin conditions/irritations, addictions, chronic pain, infections, ulerative colitis, a plethera of autoimmune conditions, exhaustion/fatigue, brain fog, etc. Her healing approach and success does require work & dedication from patients, but if you are ready to change your life, Dr. Gramzow is ready to help.