Gramzow Chiropractic & Wellness offers a unique variety of techniques and modalities to help better serve the community. We are devoted to improving and restoring health and quality of life by providing the safest, most effective modern natural health care. Health isn't simple anymore and it isn't just one thing. Environmental changes, soil erosion and mineral depletion, food chemicalizations and constant life stressors are only some of the everyday issues we deal wtih in today's society that destroy wellness.
Health is a byproduct of balance. Balance requires discipline and guidance that we help administer. Thomas Edison said it best when he stated, "The doctor of the future will give no medication, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, diet and in the cause and prevention of disease." Health follows when we are balanced physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
Chiropractic care helps to maintain the integrity of the spine thereby encouraging proper functional neurology. Gramzow Chiropractic & Wellness also offers an intersegmental traction table to help move and restore the body to proper ranges of motion.
We emphasize the importance of Nutrition and Natural Therapies that are complimentary to Chiropractic and overall healing.
Cold Laser Therapy is an adjunctive therapy that improves local microcirculation which helps to restore mobility and relieve pain.
Migun Thermal Massage Systems provide you with total health, relaxation and balance from head to toe through the fusion of Asian and Western Medical techniques.