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Nature's Sunscreen

Written By Dr. Amy D. Gramzow, DC, CFMP on August 12, 2024


Did you know that skin cancer is the most common cancer in the United States?  It's estimated that one in five Americans will develop skin cancer in their lifetime.

Given all the topical skin care sunscreen products available and the increase in usage, why is this happening?  What additionally, if anything, can we do about reducing our risks of becoming a statistic?

My parents always told me to stay covered as much as possible so I would avoid burning in the sun.  They also taught me to avoid the highest intensity/direct hours of the sun's rays.  As a child, I may not have always listened to their wisdom.  But, as a Chiropractor and a Functional Medicine Doctor, I realize now just how brilliant my parents were.

Therefore, I try to avoid being out in direct sunlight from noon to 3 PM whenever possible.  I wear rash guards when I'm swimming and wear hats as much as I can.  I always wear my sunglasses.  And, I limit uncovered skin exposure each day.  

Beyond that, nature is always there to lend a hand.  Instead of simply lathering up with sunblock lotion, which may or may not be loaded with harmful chemicals (depending on the brand), you may want to try these tips. 

Follow Jayden's* lead ~

  • Coverage (Rash Guard)
  • Time of day
  • Length of exposure
  • Calcium Lactate & Cataplex F
  • Hydration
  • Diet

Sunlight is a powerful oxidizer. It pulls calcium out of the skin and then puts it in the blood because of the Vitamin D activation from the sun.  Taking Calcium Lactate by Standard Process may help to ensure that you have enough calcium to bring the oils to the skin.  SP's Cataplex F, an essential source of polyunsaturated fatty acids, helps transport calcium from the blood to the tissues.  Taking both of these products may help to reduce sunburn, sun poisoning and sun sensitivity.

Hydration is obviously very important.  Additionally, antioxidants such as green tea, cruciferous vegetables, blueberries, grapes and bilberry help to counteract the oxidizing and aging effects of the sun.  

Given our busy lives and schedules, products like sunscreen may be necessary.  I recommend using products that are organic with the least amount of chemicals.  Badger Adventure is a mineral based sunscreen cream that is organic, unscented and has only 4 ingredients, all recognizable.  But, always remember the quickest, easiest and/or cheapest option may not always be the best in the long run. Often, nature holds the best solution for your family's longterm health and wellness.

Your Health is an Investment, Not an Expense. ~John Quelch

*Special thanks to my handsome and sweet nephew for his action shot.  For the record, Jayden chews his Cataplex F tablets like a champion and never complains about the taste.